hooded parrot câu
This hooded guy comes looking for trouble, he'll find it.Kẻ trùm đầu muốn tìm rắc rối, hắn sẽ tìm thấy nó. They had them all hooded, t...

even a parrot can be taught to mimic.Ngay cả con vẹt cũng có thể dạy nó cách bắt chước . Poor devil had his tongue cut out, so he trai...

hooded crow
For example, the subspecies of hooded crow, Corvus cornix ssp cornix occurs in Corsica, but no further south.[24]Ví dụ, các phân loài q...

hooded merganser
and this hooded merganser.Mà cái con thuồng luồng này

hooded oriole
Among California birds Swainson first described and named are: Acorn Woodpecker, Canyon Towhee, Violet-green Swallow, Bullock's Oriole,...

amazon parrot
For decades Noegel the doyen of Amazon parrot breeders worldwide.Trong nhiều thập kỷ, Noegel doyen của Các nhà lai tạo vẹt Amazon trên ...

bald parrot
They included a bald parrot, a tiny blind catfish, and a translucent frog, with skin so thin you can see its heartbeat.Chúng bao gồm mộ...

burrowing parrot
These islands are one of Earth’s most peculiar bioregions, inhabited by flightless birds seen nowhere else such as a nocturnal, burrowi...

cape parrot
Like Truman in the Truman show, Cape Parrot Truman wanted to step out of his studio into the real world.Giống như Truman trong “Truman ...

eclectus parrot
As an example, the intelligence of an African Grey cannot be compared to that of an Eclectus Parrot.Ví dụ, trí thông minh của Xám Châu ...

grey parrot
Koko is a 12 year old Congo African Grey parrot.bán vẹt ( két ) xám châu phi thuộc giòng CONGO AFRICAN GREY PARROT , 3 tháng tuổi . Kok...

mascarene parrot
The date and cause of extinction for the Mascarene parrot is unclear.Ngày và nguyên nhân tuyệt chủng đối với loài vẹt Mascarene là khôn...

night parrot
Research by the same team last year showed cats were killing more than one million birds in Australia each day, including threatened sp...

Sometimes they could repeat, parrot-fashion, what they had been taught.Rồi sau đó, họ có thể nhắc đi nhắc lại như con vẹt những gì họ đ...

princess parrot
Princess Parrot!Công chúa Parrot The Princess ParrotCông chúa Parrot

pygmy parrot
Our smallest mammal is the pygmy shrew.Con nhỏ nhất là con Pygmy Parrot In addition, 600 species that were assessed previously as being...

hooded scaly-foot
Hooded Scaly-footốc sên Scaly-foot

broad-billed parrot
The earliest known descriptions of the broad-billed parrot were provided by Dutch travellers during the Second Dutch Expedition to Indo...

red-breasted pygmy parrot
In addition, 600 species that were assessed previously as being non-threatened, are actually likely to be threatened, such as the red-b...